Time to start a New Nation

How to enter the Kingdom of God

Have you ever wonder what the Bible says about how to enter the Kingdom of God? Before we see the clear answer to that, look at what we have missed about the Kingdom concept.

Imagine Jesus walking into the public arena of America and bringing a challenging new message: “Do not be Republican or Democrat. Join Me in starting a new nation! Become a part of the new revolution!”
That is what He did, in many ways. The nation He challenged was full of tensions between liberals and conservatives, so to speak. The conservative Jews wanted Israel to have their own king, their own nationalism again. The opposition was Rome, or Jews who got their power from Rome, pushing Israel around with their godless values, disrespect for human life, and love of money. Jesus did not vote for either the Left or the Right. He pointed up.
“Repent! The Kingdom of the Sky is at hand!” What He brought was so far above human thinking or petty arguments that He called it the nation from the sky/heavens (this word can be translated either way).

We do not understand “kingdom”

Most of us live in nations that with democratically elected leaders. We elect people to make laws and remove people who do not do what we like. A kingdom does not work like that. The king makes the rules, everyone obeys.
The nature of this Kingdom is out-of-this-world. Not only does the Kingdom of God work on different currency, different laws, and different goals than nations on earth. Jesus demonstrated how unique this Nation was: walking on water, opening blind eyes, raising the dead, multiplying a little food to feed thousands, and having angel armies available. This is not a Kingdom to show off—in fact, He said His citizens are not to take the riches of the Sky Kingdom and throw them before earth’s loyalists (pigs).

The Kingdom of Heaven is for right now!

We often talk about the Kingdom of Heaven as if it is just the place you go when you die. Jesus was not simply advertising a “someday yonder” place. He told us the “Kingdom is within” if we join It (Luke 17:21).
Perhaps being suspended between earth and sky helps one get the idea of the Kingdom better. The man dying on a cross next to Jesus could see it. He asked the Lord to remember him “when” He came with His Kingdom. He asked to join this future event. The King said, “Today.”
Heaven has become only something we talk about regarding the afterlife. Jesus said He was in Heaven at right that moment while standing with the people (John 3:13). There is a spiritual dimension we are to live in. It is a place of God’s favor. It is a place where the King protects, provides, and proclaims His plans for us.
Too many people claim to believe in Jesus but do not live in His Kingdom. How can they expect Heaven in the future if they will not enter it now?

You cannot immigrate to the Kingdom of God

There is no paperwork you can do to enter the Kingdom. You cannot get in without proper citizenship (Matthew 22:11-14). You want to know how to enter the Kingdom of God? First, you need to know it is impossible to enter the Kingdom. Fortunately, with the King, all things are possible.
Think of that dog that is almost human. It wears a sweater; it sleeps in its master’s bed; its bowl gets washed in the dishwasher; and likes air conditioning. However, no matter how much she learns to speak, sit, or use the remote, that doggie will never be human. It cannot behave human enough to leave the dog kingdom and join the human kingdom. That would take a miracle.
Likewise, no one will behave heavenly enough to leave the kingdom of earth. You only become human by being born into the human kingdom. All other creatures are stuck in the realms of their gene pool.

How to enter the Kingdom of God

This is a simple how to. Enter the Kingdom of the Sky when you are born from above (John 3:3). Jesus explains that this comes through baptism in His Name and being filled with His Spirit (John 3:5). The apostles explain this further in Acts 2:38; 10:44-48; and 19:1-7.
It is not so hard to get people into the Kingdom as it is to get the “Kingdom thinking” into them. Jesus took years to help reshape His followers thinking. They were so used to kingdoms of this earth that depend on spite, hate, lust, and greed. By the power of His Spirit and letting Him teach us daily, we will live in a new identity.
The Kingdom has come (Luke 17:20-21). It continues to break through where we continue to pray it down (Matthew 6:10). Those who press in will enter (Matthew 11:12). Those who will humble themselves to obey will enter (Matthew 18:3-4). Too many fail to live in this Kingdom reality that transcends politics and problems of life.

How about you? What changed for you after you learned how to enter the Kingdom of God? What have you found different about living the Kingdom versus living the old ways of earth?

14 thoughts on “Time to start a New Nation

  1. Wow!! God keep Blessing you!! I think I had a glimpse through the Holy Ghost, but not so as to be able to verbalize and make it real and understandable. The Lord has given you Great wisdom and how to break it down so we can understand the concept!! I thank you for sharing these revelations!!God continue to Bless!!???

  2. Thank you for putting such a beautiful revelation into easy-to-understand language.
    After a long time of praying and asking God, “What, EXACTLY, Lord, IS your Kingdom?”, He laid this revelation on my heart and mind along with of His numerous mentions and commandments in His Word, about having and showing LOVE one to another and our (his disciples) being recognized by manifesting Love.
    I have been trying to share this thought for about 3 years, but am usually met with a blank stares.
    So again, THANK YOU for expressing this Truth in such a simple yet concise manner.
    I am confident that we can live in THIS Kingdom now!!!

    1. I am glad it hit home with you! It is a big concept and has taken me a while to write it down. I feel I still have much to learn about the Kingdom of God!

  3. I have a question after reading the article.
    Do you believe that there’s a ‘heavenly Kingdom’ that we will go to after all have been taken up in the ‘rapture?’

    PS: I loved the insights and wisdom you’ve shared, I just wanted to be clear where you stood in the ‘after His Kingdom m’ here on earth.

    1. Thank you for giving me a chance to clarify on that important question. Yes, The Kingdom of Heaven is forever. It existed before earth was created. Those who enter the external Kingdom will live with Jesus forever after this life is over.

      My point above was simply that we should not look at the Kingdom of Heaven as only something after this life. The power is now, here, active in us. By His Spirit, Jesus has given us a down payment on eternity with Him (Ephesians 1:13-14). Thank God it is not one or the other but both!

  4. What about the saints that die right now? If the Bible says that to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord, did my mother go to Heaven the moment she took her last breath?

  5. Thanks… getting people to stay and live in the Kingdom is always a challenge, but continued teaching what they can have in the Kingdom helps…. we keep on keeping on..
    Love being in the Kingdom.

  6. It pays (enlightens one) to slow down and not read an article while working (distracted). 🙂

    Previously, I was focused on ‘what stood out’ when I read hurriedly. Today, a link led me back to this article. Thankful.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge the Lord has given you. I have been snapping some photos of of the article.

    • It is a blessing that will enhance a bible-study I am giving a 95 year-old catholic lady. She has been asking questions that this article—and the article that linked me here—has the answers!
    Thank you,

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