Watch Your Six — how to reach the world

How to reaching the world for Jesus
Are you interested in reaching the world for Jesus Christ? Here’s some biblical tips on how to do that.
I had the privilege of sitting down with two murderers, a drug dealer, and a few other felons. There were about six in all who would meet each week and let me teach them the things about the Kingdom of God. They said they looked forward to our time together because all the other jail ministers just preached a weak little salvation message to them every week but I would help open their understanding about so many things. I rejoiced to see these guys baptized in the Name of Jesus and be filled with the Spirit!
I had a great experience yesterday, sitting around discussing the Scriptures with about six members of my family. It is fun to watch my children grow in their understanding, ask perceptive questions, and learn to investigate the things of the Kingdom. What a joy to see where God takes them and how He will use them as they mature in Him. Maybe it does not feel like I am reaching the world by talking with the members of my home, but let me show you something.
There seems to be something about sixes that I have noticed in Scripture. Jesus built a team of 12 (which is 2 X 6, of course) whom He trained to reach others. He sent these disciples out in groups of two and apparently each group reach 12 more because soon He is sending out another group of about 72 disciples (6 X 12 = 72). So, I have done the math (okay, I got help because math isn’t my thing really). This means each disciple reached the equivalent of six new believers. Briefly, you see these key numbers in the story: 500 and then 3,000. Could it be that the 12 original disciples and the 72 then each reached 6? If so, that is 504—nearly the exact number of disciples at the time of His resurrection. Then, if each of these 500 reached 6, that is exactly 3,000—the number who joined the Kingdom on the Day of Pentecost!

Watch Your Six

From the military we get a term that you might hear on the street from time to time: “Watch your six.” This simply refers to the six o’clock position on the analog clock. If noon is directly in front of you and 3 is to your right with 9 to your left, then 6 is directly behind you. If you are in a fight, you need to watch your six or someone could take you by surprise.
Too many soul-winners never watch their six. They are out reaching the world for Jesus like I was doing in that jail, but then lose a lot of them because they do not watch out for them. I know some of those guys are still in the Kingdom, but I do not know where all of them are.
In your circle of influence and even in just a few years of serving the Lord, He has given you at least six people to reach for Him. The old method of “bring them to Jesus and hope they survive” has proven to be irresponsible. You need to watch your six. Jesus taught His disciples to go into a social circle and develop disciples, not just deliver a message. They were to train up other disciples who would then go and teach others.

Reaching the world for Jesus

Who are your six? Perhaps you should pause a moment and write them down. Perhaps you are influencing many more than that through the church or some outreach. But who are your tightest few? The ones who are most “on fire” for the Lord? How are you developing them? Are you challenging them to grow? Are you helping prepare them to serve the Lord without you someday?
Strong disciples need care, oversight, and someone who will push them to grow. This does not mean being hateful or hurtful of course, but we must not let them get comfortable where they are. Jesus sent His disciples out as sheep among wolves—they had to stand up for what they believed and make a difference in someone else’s life. If you do not fight for something you do not value it.
What are your six like? Are they a litter of pups who are afraid to leave momma? Are they birds that need to be kicked out of the nest so they can discover wind beneath their wings? You cannot reach 7 billion people on this planet all by yourself. But you can teach 6 to reach 6.
Do the math. If you reach six people for Jesus this year and train them to do the same, you can reach the world for Jesus. Seriously it is that simple.
Do you realize that 6 who go and reach 6 repetitively will reach the entire world in 13 years? Yes! Get out your calculator and multiply 6 times 6 thirteen times. That is more than the number of people on the planet!
What are you waiting for? Are you ready to reach the world for Jesus? Get out there and watch your six!


Who can you think of that is interested in reaching the world for Jesus? They can also download the seven steps to making disciples—get them to join you in revolutionizing this world!

15 thoughts on “Watch Your Six — how to reach the world

  1. Amen , I believe in one God, Act 2:38 . Wow brother, I never look at it that way. I say thanks.

  2. While I would be happy if the six reached six each, I would be encouraged if each one woild reach one. Far too many in our churches reach no one. I am trying to change that mentality from bring them in to go ye therefore.
    At the close of every service I pray that God will lead us all to someone that needs Him and that He will give us the words to say to them to help them find their way to Him.
    We have to be intentional about it so that it becomes a natural part if being the church.

  3. I am so thankful for you sharing these discipling courses, they’ve helped me in my teaching and this one I’d never thought of as we’d always heard each one win one. I have been incorporating the things i’m learning into my teaching and more people are feeling conviction to Go and Reach others. One sister has about 6 co-workers meet in her office for prayer before starting their day. God Bless you and once again, thank you for these helps!

    1. That is great. We cannot make disciples with simply one-on-one evangelism. Putting people in small groups creates healthy challenges that cause them to grow and live out the identity of Christ fully.

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